July 14, 2009

I think I officially might have dropped :)

Okay so yesterday I noticed that my belly button didn't see to come out as much as it used to. It really hasn't popped, but it has been on the verge of it. Now it seems back to being an inny. So it seemed alittle weird. Then this morning like I've been doing every week I measured my waist. I'm between 1 inch to 1/2 inch smaller, which is also weird. I did gain another 5lbs though so no worries there. So I posted on one of my boards about it, asked Rebekah and called into the docs office. Everyone pretty much has said the same thing...I probably dropped. Which means we are one step closer ;)

I also noticed she wasn't moving as much yesterday but after eating breakfast today she's back to her old self ;) So nothing different there anymore.

I also think I might finally be experiencing some Braxton Hicks Contractions, but the verdict is still out on that one.

Oh well. Off to shower, then to the store since I have a mirror that didn't come correctly assembled that needs to be swamped :) 38 weeks tomorrow!

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