July 6, 2009

Busy Busy Weekend

Mom and Dad came down this weekend for a spur of the moment visit, lol. We saw an Air Show, which was pretty cool. I had major ligament pain while waiting in line for the shuttle. Mom kept telling me that someone was going to think I was going into labor, lol. After we went to dinner with out buy one get one coupons! I LOVE the lemonades at Ruby Tuesdays :) :) :) Then we went to see fireworks at Highland Park. Where I learned women standing in the bathroom line will comment on how great it is you can hold your pee while pregnant, but not let you cut so you can actually pee! Just because i have bladder control it doesn't mean that it FEELS all that good holding it with a kiddo kicking you at the same time, nor is it good for a pregnant woman to hold it :\

After getting home late we all crashed and then turned around and went to the flea market the next morning. Which I thought I was going to be super sore, but it wasn't that bad. Dad and Mom and left after that and Jason and I went to a store then came home. We found some great things at the fleamarket for the kiddo! Not one but two snow suits for only a $1 each and they are pretty much new and pink ;) (see pics below). I ended up coming home and sleeping since my allergies decided to kick in and heartburn :\ I slept for 1 1/2 hours and then got up took a benadryl and then crashed again in my chair for awhile. But today I feel MUCH better.

Kitty also approves, good thing I haven't washed them yet. I had them on the couch for two seconds before she came to investigate. As you can see by the first pic I took I didn't even have time to lay them down and step back and get a pic without her in it! Her paw is in the upper left.

**sniff sniff **

Fluff, Fluff, Fluff

Until she finally laid down like in the first picture.

Nothing else to report that I can think of. I also received a Bebe Sounds monitor in the mail from an online friend. We got to hear hiccups the other night, but trying to get a heartbeat is tough. I will have to play with it more...but I don't have much more time to actually play.

Appointment today so another update will be soon. The internet has been down here ALOT so it's hard to get on and do everything. And if you try to call you can't get through either :\ But we are having it looked into tomorrow morning.

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