July 18, 2009

First Contraction :)

Okay so I was dozing in my chair when I got the typical sharp cramp and my uterus went all hard. I sort of remember that pain with Kaitlin. I didn't move to see if it was false labor or not, but I don't care...I'll take it! It's the first time my body has shown ANY sign of labor :) So I'm celebrating!! YAY!!!

I told Jason and his eyes went all huge..."What does THIS mean?" he asked. I laughed.

What it does mean is that my uterus remembers how to contract. Does it mean a baby tonight? No probably not. It really means nothing, it could not happen again and we still we be being induced on the 30th. It could mean the kiddo will be here in a few days. Regardless it's a good sign because if my cervix will start changing BEFORE induction it will make the induction MUCH easier :)

So no one should driving down here yet, or loose a night a sleep wondering what the evening will bring. I have felt no other cramps or tightness. And false and prelabor can go on for days and days so the best I can do is keep my progress logged here. Honestly, I think it's just my body screaming at me from today's adventure (since we went for a 1.6 mile walk). I have had lots of ligament pain too which usually comes after a long day of being on my feet.

I'm still excited though :) I'm still hoping to go naturally and this is the first sign of my body working towards that :)

1 comment:

Nicole's Journey said...

Yeah! So exciting to know babe is preparing to arrive...