July 9, 2009

Holy Cold Sores Batman!

So I get cold sores on my lips on occasion, and I haven't had any since my first trimester. Then out of no where I got THREE! One on my upper and one on each side of my lower lip. And they aren't small either! Now I think I might be getting on in the middle of my upper lip too. They have come staggered, so as one is on it's way out it seems another is starting :\

I usually get them when I'm worn out, but aside from one night I've been getting my sleep...so I have no idea why so many and why all at once like this.

Oh and now Jason who has never gotten one in the 11 years we've been together has one too! It's so strange!

1 comment:

Candace said...

Wonder if it is a pregnancy thing. I never get them and I got a really bad one a couple weeks ago.