June 4, 2009

LONG Update (L&D trip & Appointment)

Oh geesh where to start....

Yesterday around 3:30pm I was getting a sharp pain that kept coming and going in my lower back, but only on the right side. It got worse and it kind of felt like a contraction, but only on my right side...which was weird. I called the doc and she said to come into L&D just to be sure. I did, on the way there the pain started hitting my front, only on the right side. Then when they laid me down for the NST (non stress test) that they like to do I turned into the burning feeling. It was alot like when I was dilating with Kaitlin and no one knew. So they sent me for a TVU (transvaginal ultrasound) and my cervix hasn't moved really. It was 3.9 most f the measurements before and it's now 3.8. Which really could be chalked up to human error with the measuring. So we are discharged from the hospital and told to just relax.

Now fast forward to this morning. I had a regular appointment scheduled. We get to the hospital at 8:30am for an ultrasound. We end up with a newbie...not a huge deal it just turned a short ultrasound into an hour ultrasound with her supervisor checking it, etc. No luck with 3ds, baby was just NOT cooperating. But we did get some interseting pics :) I will post throughout this post...like now:

Okay so then we head upstairs late for our appointment. They send me for another NST. Where I have to sit for 20 minutes. Before hand they asked me to pee in a cup for testing. I ended up spilling it on the sink and floor :\ Why have sinks with angled edges when you want people to pee in a cup??? Anyways, the NST is fine. We then go to go to the apppointment which come to find out doc was running late too due to a c-section that morning. While we were there, she got called to do another one! So they came to talk to us, but because I was at L&D the night before thought it best for me to stay and see the doc. So they gave us a $5 cupon for the cafeteria to go eat lunch. We did and suprisingly the $5 actually would have bought one of us lunch. I was thinking that a hospital cafeteria would be SUPER expensive but I think things were priced fair. I even got a pudding cup with whipcream and it was only about 75 cents! And it was decent size too! So anyways enough about the food...oh wait did I mention the sweet potato homefrie sort of things i had too?? Time for another picture I think........

Now where was I? So we get to see the doc for her to say...keep doing what you've been doing. Things are working well for you and I want to come in if you have pains. You just do what you've been doing....well that means little to no bedrest for me I think :) I've been up alot and with no reprocution apparently...I lay down when I start feeling really sore. Which seems to only happen after alot of walking, but it still good news. I think my body just knows what it has to do.

Another appointment next week.

Other things about Miss Emilie this appointment:
HR: 153 (at ultrasound)
NST: Baseline heartrate was around 145 with excels of 170.
Weight: 4lbs 2oz
Cervix: 3.8
She is head down :)
Fluid levels good :)

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