June 14, 2009

Bekah's Right and Left Story

As promised I now have the story that was part of the Right and Left game from the Baby Shower :)

It was a warm July evening. Tiffi only had a few days left before baby Emilie was due. She was standing right to the left of the kitchen sink with only a few dishes left to be done from the evening’s dinner. Suddenly she felt a strange wetness right in her pants. “Oh no!” said Tiffi “I think my water just broke!” Jason jumped right off of his comfy spot on the couch and promptly left. He jumped in the car and drove right to the hospital. He only had two blocks left to go before he got to there when he realized he had left Tiffi at home. He took a quick Left turn and drove right back home to get his wife.

Jason found Tiffi waiting right where he had left her. She jumped right into the car and they drove right back to the hospital. They took a right turn. And then another right turn before they turned left into the parking lot and found a great parking spot right on their left. Tiffi and Jason jumped right out of the car and walked right into the hospital. They took the elevator on their left right to the labor and delivery floor.

When she got to the labor and delivery Unit, Tiffi was excited to find that her favorite nurse, Bekah had not yet left for the day. “All Right!” she exclaimed. Bekah took Tiffi right into a labor and delivery room. After examining Tiffi, Bekah informed her that she had less than a centimeter left to dilate. “All right!” said Tiffi… “This isn’t bad at all.” “I’ll stay right here with you through the whole thing” Jason told Tiffi. Bekah left the room to call Dr El Kassis and let her know about Tiffi’s progress.

A few moments later Tiffi became a bit more uncomfortable. “It’s time” she yelled. Bekah came right back into the room. “You’re right!” she said. “But Unfortunately Dr El Kassis is right in the middle of another delivery. But don’t worry. Jason and I will get you through this. All right?” At that moment a loud thud caused Tiffi and her nurse to look right over to the left of the room to see that Jason had passed out right onto the floor. Fortunately Jason recovered right away because baby Emilie was ready to be delivered right now.

A few moments later baby Emilie was born and was quickly wrapped up and handed right over to her excited parents. “All right!” said Tiffi “she’s just perfect!” The new baby put her left thumb into her mouth and looked right up into her Mommy’s eyes. “This is just right!” said Tiffi.

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