June 3, 2009

32 weeks!

32 Weeks Pregnant
Size= 17 in
Weight = 4lbs

During week 32 of pregnancy, as your baby grows, there will be less room for him or her to move around. This means that his or her kicks and movements might be less frequent and less forceful.
It is a good idea to continue kick counts at this time, looking for at least 10 kicks per hour. If you count fewer than 10 movements in two hours, you should contact your healthcare provider immediately.
Other fetal development that is occurring when you are 32 weeks pregnant includes the following:
  • The layers of fat continue to be deposited beneath the skin
  • The arms and legs are fully proportioned in relation to the size of the head
  • The baby is passing water from his or her bladder
  • The hair on the head continues to grow
  • The lanugo (the hair that covers your baby's skin) continues to fall off.
By the time you are 32 weeks pregnant, all of your baby's five senses are also functional, including hearing. This means that your baby is becoming familiar with all sorts of noises within his or her surroundings, including your heartbeat and digestion. Your baby is also beginning to recognize your voice. By the time he or she is born, your child will be very familiar with your voice.

Ever wonder what your baby is doing in there these days? She's busy blinking, looking around, grabbing things, making faces, practicing her breathing, peeing and listening to everything around her—pretty much exactly what she'll be doing for the first three months of her life, sans the adoring audience and the flashing camera.

This week your baby's movements will peak. You should continue to monitor the fetal movements daily and address any concerns with your caregiver. The wrinkles in your baby's face are disappearing and fat is still being deposited throughout the baby's body.

Odds of a Premature Baby's Survival by Length of Pregnancy

Length of Pregnancy Likelihood of Survival
23 weeks 17%
24 weeks 39%
25 weeks 50%
26 weeks 80%
27 weeks 90%
28-31 weeks 90-95%
32-33 weeks 95%
34+ weeks Almost as likely as a full-term baby
Sources: March of Dimes, Quint Boenker Preemie Survival Foundation
We moved up on the chart again!!!

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