August 21, 2009

Good Night and Good Day :)

Emilie slept for 5 and 1/2 hours last night straight! :) Jason and I made the deal that he takes the first feeding and me the second so that way we can sleep for chunks. Unfortunately someone last night stayed up for 2 hours after she slept that long :\ But then she slept for a few more hours until i got up with her to let daddy sleep more. I think he said he got 7 and 1/2 hours ? I don't count the hours. I think it would just make me feel more tired. I know how long she sleeps but I know it's not how long I get.

We're had a pretty good day together :) She nursed for awhile this morning but it wasn't as bad as normal. She then went down for her day nap around 11 and slept until 2! So I got some things done. I worked on the Thank You cards...which I got a little boring and they still aren't done :\ But overall it's been a better day than yesterday when she was getting a little frustrating. Lets hope this evening cont's to go well :)
She's 3 weeks old today!

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