September 2, 2009

O Sweet Child of Mine NORMALLY i don't have trouble with her in the middle of the night. Tonight NOT the case :\ Tomorrow is a busy day :\ She had a really off day yesterday. She slept from 9ish - 12ish and then stayed awake the rest of the day...well for the most part..she grabbed a small cat nap on occasion. Then she slept for an hour or so around 8 then went down at her normal 9:30ish. Then she slept from 9:30 -'s now 3:30 and she's still wide awake :\ I'm WAY overdue for a pumping and I'm not sure if I will be sleeping again tonight :\ Grumble. Oh and we won't mention the three diapers she's gone through (figured she was wide awake might as well change her after she pooped right? Not like I was waking her up :\) and a complete outfit change! Tonight is the last night I bottle feed her. I'm just going to nurser her during my turn I think it takes the same amount of time...I should atleast make her work for it...maybe it will make her more tired.

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