May 6, 2009

What a Day!

First I'm 28 weeks today WooWho!!

We asked to stop the FFN tests since they are costing us almost $70 a pop! Thats nuts! So we didn't do one today. Jason was shown how to find the baby...but she's still a little bit tiny so she said it was okay he didn't feel it. But then he also got to try the doppler! Yay for Daddy getting involved :) My blood pressure was good, nothing wrong with me pee. They measured my belly at 29 I think. And they think I've gained 3lbs. According to MY scale and how I'm tracking it I only went up 2lbs and that was after loosing 3 last week, so technically I'm still down 1. Heartrate was between 140 - 160 which I think is normal. I don't know if you normally see that much variation but one was a doppler reading and the other the ultrasound.

GD test came back negative so no diabetes for me! YAY! Maybe thats a good sign that I won't have it later in life?? But righ t now I get to con't eating how I want to...yay!! I had one elevated number but the rest were fine.

Next time I go in my normal doc will be back. Which I'm excited, but also I did like my temp doc so a little sad to see her go.

The doc decided to send me for a chest xray since I still am brining up crud. I also did some other kind of thing where what I brought up got put in a cup for it to be tested. So I went to my ultrasound appointment and brought the xray stuff along.

So they brought me back to xray had me put on this 3 arm hole gown. Which does NOT cover large pregnant boobs! So..I sat there and told the guy I was pregnant. He was almost shocked acting (I guess the pregnant belly didn't tip him off). So they had us sit. Something about double checking the order. I was asked if my doc knew I was pregnant. I was like ya...she's my OB. So we waited and then I told them about having an ultrasound scheduled at 10:30, so they had me go back to the public big waiting room, still in my nonboob covering gown to wait for my ultrasound. Well he started by taking us the longest way possible to ultrasound and they informed him to go have me wait since they didn't have a room ready...

So we waited, then went to ultrasound...which the room was REALLY warm today. The ultrasound tech was the same guy that did Kaitlin's echocargiogram. He tried to get a 3d, but this little bean likes to keep her arms over her face. So that was the best he could do. I told him about the 3d pic of her sex, and he doesn't believe that they could do that, so I THOUGHT I had the pic with me so we went to pull it out to show him and we couldn't find it!! I was so upset!!
My cervix doesn't look changed at all. The measurements were all about the samish. So YAY for that!! At this point it might start shortening a little, but thats totally normal.

Emilie weighs roughly 2lbs 13oz.
And they finally got a pic of her spine! I think everything else was fine. Her bladder was full again, which he said means her kidneys are working :)
The below pic I think is of her foot all extended out...I think most of the feelings I feel are from her head/hands. Since she's head down and I feel LOTS of movement down low and during the ultrasound she was rolling a little back and forth.

So they finished up with me in ultrasound and then it was back to the main waiting room for xray, in my special gown. They called me back and triple sheilded my belly and had me do two xrays. Which really they shouldn't effect the baby or i would of protested more about doing them. I had already done my research on that before now so I'm not worried about them :) Then I got to get dressed!

We had to wait what seemed liked forever for the car. Jason wants to stop using the valet, but it's just such a long walk! :\ Plus they aren't always that bad.

So I dropped Jason off. I was upset about the picture, even though I do have a digital copy of it.
I went to Kmart and bought a few more babu trinkets. I know I need to stop especially with the baby shower the girls are planning :) There won't be anything left for anyone to buy, lol. But I did it anyways. I also got another maternity shirt since it was $5. So then I went to Mcdonalds for lunch. There was a HUGE drive through line so I walked in. Then I needed to stop into the post office. Which had a HUGE line! I paid a little more than I thought I would have to to send my Mother's Day package out to my Ravelry gal, but oh well.

I get home, gather all my things, make my way up the driveway, I get into the building and find the picture!!! I must have dropped it on the way out!! YAY!! I get to the top of the stairs and realize I left my keys in my car! URGH! So I drop all my stuff off and walk back down to get them. I get all settled in. Go to eat my Big Mac to find instead of extra pickles they put extra sauce! IT WAS A MESS! But it was yummy :) However an hour later I think I have heartburn from it :\

Now I'm settled in for the day :)

1 comment:

Andrea Amu said...

Hey dear,I like your baby blog! Fun to read! So glad you are coming along well and I love the spelling you've chosen for your new girlie! Emelie is very chic but still old fashioned and pretty! :)