May 23, 2009

30 Week Belly Kicks Video

If you watch the upper right hand side of my belly. The portion between my belly button and the edge of tummy you will see some good kicks. You see one and then about 5ish seconds later you see a nice set of pows. I think I can also see her moving my belly around but I don't know if others can. You should see the kicks though. This was a mild night however. She has her moments where you can see my whole belly jiggle and bounce. She just refuses to do it if someone is touching my belly...Jason has to keep his hands there for awhile at time to feel anything. I think the touch soothes her, or she's just stubborn, lol. She's the spawn of Jason and I, so I go with stubborn over soothe.

I'm going to keep trying to get a clip for when she's really fired up. I have 20ish clips to get this one, so you imagine what my night is like when I try to catch her ;) lol. It will be much easier when she's on the outside, I hope :)

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