April 6, 2009

Appointment Update

So my cervix is still long and closed, but the burning is still there. I wasn't impressed with the doc I saw, I never am when I'm stuck seeing someone on uncle docs side. They always seem so quick to dismiss me. I wasn't tested for a UTI or anything which I probably should have pushed for. I was relieved to see my cervix was fine, but I mean there must be an explanation even if it is just ligament pain. She could have asked a few more questions atleast! I wasn't asked about cramping, discharge, nothing and she was very quick to get me out. We won't mention they paged her saying she had a patient and I think she ignored it! They went to FIND her and when they did she said how I wasn't on her "list".

However we do have new ultrasound pics I will post later. Heartbeat 151. My cervix is still 3.9. The baby is measuring 1lb 3 oz. Amniotic fluid is good. So it's nothing serious we hope.

1 comment:

Jodi said...

hun burning in the vagina can be caused by a bacteria in there. cream for 10 days and it clears it up. maybe ask your doc about that also.

good luck hun hope you feel better