April 22, 2009

26 weeks appointment

Had our 26 week normal appointment. I'm sick so she checked me over for wheezing, which I had. She prescribed an antibiotic and some kind of pill for coughing. I will have to put it in later when I feel more like getting off the couch.

Nothing out of the ordinary. They did another FFN test, the first came back negative, i'm guessing this one will too. She also did a check to see the fluid I mentioned that leaked every time I sneezed or coughed, but we are both thinking it's pee...yes that means I pee myself quite frequently with this new illness and allergies...oh the joys!

At the ultrasound the baby's heartbeat was 157.
She weighs almost 2lbs (1lb 15oz).
My cervix she measured at 4.3 I think, which I have a feeling is off, but still nice and long :)
Everything looks good. We got to see Emilie pee, her bladder was full one minute and empty the next. She still won't cooperate for a spine measurement. She was also opening and closing her mouth alot, which I don't know if it was practice breathes or not, but it was cute anyways :)
The 3d didn't turn out that well, and the tech printed it wrong, but oh well.

Next time will probably be my last ultrasound, since if my cervix changes after that point, it's supposed to...so it's working the right way. As long as it changes SLOWLY.

I think that is everything...

1 comment:

Jodi said...

She is Beautiful hun