July 3, 2010

11 Months!

I'm 11 months now! I've learned alot too this past month :) Not only am I a super expert at driving mommy and daddy crazy, I can also drink from a straw cup. I'm not totally on just sippy cups yet, but we are getting very close to it! I still like my bottle for bed. But I only bother mommy for one once a night now and it's just for a quick swallow. I still also use my pacifier but that is becoming a more just at night thing.

I love listening to daddy's headphones. I've even been known for putting them on myself :) Taking them off is way easier!

We are just starting with me practicing with a spoon. I don't know what mommy was thinking when she gave me this one :)

I also know how to wave Bye Bye. I wave to all my friends when they leave, strangers in the store, when mommy and I leave, and when daddy goes to work :) Wow I stay pretty busy don't I! You can see me doing it in the video below, but I don't like to cooperate all the time for mommy. It's funny to see how frustrated she can get :) hehehe, so watch closely I only do it at the very beginning.

I can also throw a ball, well sort of. I generally do get it to the person, but sometimes I send it over my head. See :)

I love to try new foods. In the video below I am trying a lemon. As you can see...it doesn't really bother me. Maybe since daddy eats so much hot sauce he fried my taste buds too ;)

Some of my absolute favorite foods so far are really anything with sauce. I loved turkey burger when I tried it and hamburgers with cheese. I pretty much will eat anything mommy will give me from her plate, although I haven't been too fond of any kind of cold meat, watermelon, or oranges. Rice even seems to be loosing it's favor for me, but I like it better when mommy adds broth or flavorings to it. I also now drink only milk, no more formula :)

I walk along the couch and such VERY well now. I can even reach between objects and take steps. I haven't started balancing yet for too long on my own, but I keep getting better and better. Mommy thinks I will probably be walking in another month. But who knows.

Not sure what else I can tell you. The kitties still don't like me :\ I hope they do someday. I still sleep in the crib in mommy and daddy's room, but mommy says that will change when winter comes and they won't need to put an AC in the other room for me. Daddy isn't too happy about it. I now eat a breakfast, lunch snack and then dinner. I take two naps each day. One is usually around 9 am (after getting up at 7 am) and then again around 3 or 4. Mommy likes it, but wouldn't care if I just wanted to take one long nap each day either. Last they weighed me I was around 19lbs. Mommy can't remember how many inches.

I made my first ER trip this month. I broke out in a rash which scared mommy and daddy. The ER doctor said it was due to my ear infection and that my system was just reacting to it. It went away. Mommy went to the ER to this month. She said it was a good thing that I was being such a good girl that day...since she couldn't have taken care of me when she was in pain. I also was pretty good in the ER :) I even got a sticker and at some point when Uncle Tom e-mails mommy the picture of it I will show you which one I got :)

I think thats everything I can think of. A month is a long time to think about, especially now that I learn things so quickly!

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