January 7, 2009

11 Weeks Preggo!

11 Weeks Pregnant

Size : 2 inches
Weight: 1/3 ounce

All of your baby's vital organs are now formed and functioning, so the risk of defects decreases this week as your baby becomes less susceptible to outside influences.

Baby's ears are assuming their proper place this week and the fingernail and toenail beds are beginning to form. Your little "pumpkin head" really lives up to his nickname as his head is nearly as big as the rest of his body.

Your baby now weighs a third of an ounce, about the same as two small, Starbucks-sized packets of sugar, is about 2 inches long, the length of one of those sugar packets.

11 Weeks Pregnant
11 Weeks Pregnant

1 comment:

Lib said...

Oh, looky looky, our jellybean is the size of a packet of sugar! One day I would love to share with you the pics of snotblossom when he was first born. Of course, he was ill and in the hospital but he was the size of a bag of sugar!