June 29, 2010

My First Parade

Here I am waiting. Mommy kept telling me to listen and I would hear the music when they start. But it took FOREVER! I mean seriously how old does she think I am. I'm not built to wait 30 minutes for something...and that hat...HATE IT!

As you can see, I got that dumb hat off. It's always bugging me...so the cars were pretty cool. Mommy said that these pictures are for the grandpas.

This guy was sort of crazy...I mean that thing was super tall...how did he even get up there?

More pictures for the grandpas...

Here's the strawberry festival float :) Oh ya did I forget to tell you that. That hat must have distracted me...we were at the Strawberry Festival in Owego.

Alpacas :) Love animals, but none of them got close enough for me to touch them.

Oh and LOOK at who we also saw at Strawberry Fest :) It's Ryan! (oh and his mommy too)

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