April 23, 2010

Birth Story as told by Daddy (Twitter)

I just realized when looking back for detail about the birth that I never posted Jason's Twitter rendition here :) I wanted to get up before I forgot about it again :) So here it is!

We're headed out to dinner at 4pm then its off to the hospital. Up to the minute baby updates will be posted here!! :) 12:45 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
Testing my new command line twitter app. I'll be using this from the hospital (logged in from home because they block twitter there). 1:12 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via Twyt
We're off to the DMV, out to dinner and then we go to the hospital. Next update will likely be after 6pm when we get to the hospital. 1:28 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
At Applebees. Tiff called the hospital at 4, they said to call back at 7. Must be a busy night :) Firepit Bacon Burger here I come :) 4:10 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via web
We are headed in to the hospital now after a brief mall walk. Next update will be from there. 5:58 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via mobile web
We're at the hospital\! We're waiting for our room to be cleaned :) The room has a Jaccuzi\!\! I want in\! 6:32 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via Twyt
We are situated in our new room. :) Waiting for the nurse to come and do the "check in" stuff. Downloading Picasa now so I can upload pics! 6:52 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Here are the pictures! 7:01 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Ooops.. HERE are the pictures! http://picasaweb.google.com/hernejj/BirthOfEmilie. They are doing blood work on Tiff now. 7:02 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
http://twitter.com/hernejj 7:08 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Baby's Heart rate is around 140 which is good. Nurse is checking vitals and then off to get the doctors orders for the induction. 7:21 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
RT @darherne: You are nuts :) relax. 7:48 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
We just got asked 9000 questions about medial history, allergies, meds, etc. 8:15 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Nurse is geting the Cytotec ready. It is a drug that softens the cervix and can sometimes even induce labor. 8:16 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
She will get Cytotec into the night and possibly start Pitocin (that's the REAL labor inducer) tomorrow morning between 6-8pm. 8:17 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Sorry, I meant AM. :) 8:19 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Cytotec is in. Now we wait for contractions. normally it causes light contractions. Its unlikely (but possible) to cause labor. 8:24 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Going to watch a movie now. http://bit.ly/cfbZ 8:43 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Only slight contractions. Nothing major to report. 9:25 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
We're both headed to bed for the night. She'll get more Cytotec at 1:30. Now to get some sleep :) More in the AM. 10:25 PM Jul 30th, 2009 via iTweet
Only minor contractions throughout the night. We got 4-5 hours of sleep. Tiff gets toast for breakfast. We start pitocen around 6am. 4:43 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Two new pics! Breakfast: http://bit.ly/6t2bS and an old friend: http://bit.ly/ftCGR 4:53 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Now I need to somehow acquire breakfast. 5:06 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
The Pitocen has started. It gets increased every 20 minutes until we get to a good contraction rate. 5:19 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Things could move pretty quickly once the contractions start, or they could take a while. 5:20 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Cervical check shows... soft and 3cm dilated! GOOD NEWS :) A C-section is less likely to be in our future. 5:21 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Jason gone to get some breakfast :) It's just me and the pitocin ;) 5:46 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Just finished breakfast :) Bacon, cheesy eggs and chocolate pudding! I have chocolate milk too! Yum. Tiff is feeling ok at the moment. 6:07 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
We're going for a walk :) 6:18 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
We're back from the walk. Her contractions are a little stronger but still relatively mild. We're sitting on the couch-bed now. 6:37 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
RT @darherne: Nope. Just you :) 6:44 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Pitocin is getting increased again. We're going for another quick walk around the floor. 6:57 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
We're back. We saw little peoples in the nursery. :-P 7:08 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Her contractions are getting a little stronger. We're expecting our first visit from our doctor soon. 7:18 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
The nurse mentioned possibly breaking her water to speed things along. This is something the doctor will decide. 7:18 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Her water broke :) 7:31 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
The doc was doing an exam and pop it went. She is 3-4cm dilated, only a little more than before. The pace should pick up a bit from here. 7:33 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Her contractions are getting much stronger now. 7:37 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Getting more painful. Shes taking it quite well however :) I don't feel any pain at all ;) 8:15 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
pain getting worse, going to shower to help combat it 8:48 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
at 6cm, lots of pain, things moving quickly!! 9:19 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
we got a baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 9:51 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
all good! :) 10:10 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Shes very alert, eyes are open :) 10:48 was official birth time 10:11 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Pictures soon.... 10:12 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Pics are here! http://picasaweb.google.com/hernejj/BirthOfEmilie 10:20 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Video is on the way ;) 10:29 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Baby weighs 8 pounds 3 ounces. 10:38 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Check out the blog for the video!!! http://hernebaby2.blogspot.com/ 10:57 AM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Emilie is sleepy. She's been pretty quiet so far :) We're guessing that will change. 1:10 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Its been a long day. All 3 of us are tired and ready for bed. Before I go, I'll upload the rest of the pictures I took today. 7:49 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
5 or 6 more pictures :) http://picasaweb.google.com/hernejj/BirthOfEmilie 8:04 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
Good night. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and congrats :) 8:05 PM Jul 31st, 2009 via iTweet
We're up for the morning. Trying to feed baby, then we get to eat. Its true... baby = no sleep! :-/ 7:16 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
RT @darherne: Feel free to give us a call sometime today :) Still in hospital so use the cell. 7:17 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Emilie's first doctor checkup was good :) New pictures! http://picasaweb.google.com/hernejj/BirthOfEmilie 8:12 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Feeding seems to be going much better. Still not 100% there yet though. One trick is to rub her legs to keep were awake. 9:11 AM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Both my girls are sleeping :) 1:47 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
RT @Herne_Diesel: Not sure yet. If the baby starts eating a little more we'll go home tonight some time. Otherwise it will be tomorrow. 2:17 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Staying another night tonight, Miss Emilie needs some extra practice before we take her home. Want to be here were nurses can help :) 6:15 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Sent Jason and Tom on a mission to find me rootbeer :) Caught up on Twitters...I see Jason has slowed down his tweets, lol :) 6:16 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
baby is eating :) 7:41 PM Aug 1st, 2009 via iTweet
Now that baby can eat... its all she wants to do. I got 2 hrs of sleep last night. Tiff got less. What the hell did we get ourselves in to? 6:05 AM Aug 2nd, 2009 via iTweet
Probably goes without saying but DO NOT call us! We'll call you. :) 6:06 AM Aug 2nd, 2009 via iTweet
We're home :) Not going to bed quite yet, so call if you wish. 9:18 AM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web
Change in plans. Baby and Tiff are sleeping, so no calls again. Tiff needs her sleep. I'm on guard duty :) 9:28 AM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web
We just had a good feeding session :) Hopefully it lasts. I'm making rice for din din then off to catch up on sleep. 1:59 PM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web
Got 2 hours of sleep. Chinese takeout for dinner. 7:11 PM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web
Baby just got her first big meal :) Followed by her first big poop! We're thinking of doing 1/2 formula 1/2 breast milk cuz baby is hungree! 10:39 PM Aug 2nd, 2009 via web
Yay! Lots of sleep last night. We're feeling a little better, but Emilie is a little lethargic this morning. 6:02 AM Aug 3rd, 2009 via web
In process of making 1st docs appointment. Standard newborn checkup and we'll also ask about her sleepiness. 7:38 AM Aug 3rd, 2009 via web
All she has done is sleep today. We had to wake her up to feed her, and she went right back to sleep after. 7:38 AM Aug 3rd, 2009 via web
Taking Emilie for a quick walk (stroller ride). 10:37 AM Aug 3rd, 2009 via iTweet
I'm still alive :) Parents visited, left this morning. Cleaning a bit, trying to relax, and taking care of the little one. More pics soon. 2:28 PM Aug 5th, 2009 via web
New baby pictues!! http://picasaweb.google.com/hernejj/Emilie 3:10 PM Aug 6th, 2009 via web
:-| 3:53 AM Aug 7th, 2009 via web
I JUST had my 1st encounter with projectile diarrhea. It got EVERYWHERE. I swear to god she was aiming for me. 3:56 AM Aug 7th, 2009 via web
All over me, all over the changing ttable, all over her diaper, all over the hamper, diaper pale, blanket, and a pile of clothes :( 4:03 AM Aug 7th, 2009 via Twyt

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