December 19, 2009

Smart Baby, not so smart mommy...

So mommy apparently needs to learn the difference in video and pictures, video you can't twist upright on the instead I must ask you all to tilt your heads. Sorry...maybe she will learn?? I wouldn't hold your breath though!

So here I am TRYING to get on my tummy. The mat helps me pull myself over, as you can see I'm trying to grab at what I can to pull me over. Why not use my strong upper arm muscles right? I mean my lower half can only do so much on it's own! But I just couldn't seem to get that darn arm out from underneath me!

However mommy says I didn't show my "bright" side in this video. The snowman looked to yummy, yet I couldn't get him in my mouth! I kept trying, but it wasn't working. This hard thing kept getting in my way!

Mommy said it is baby's first lesson in glass, but I think she forgot that daddy said something similar a few days ago.

So Mommy and I were hanging out by the tree. Mommy was trying to convince me I wanted to roll again, but I wasn't sure I even wanted to be there. But then I would look at mommy's silly face and forget I didn't want to be there and giggle...hehehe

So remember when mommy called me NOT smart. I showed her! I rolled over and even figured out how to get my arm out from underneath me :) hehehe

See Mommy I CAN do it without the help of the mat :) I know what I'm doing.

Alright thats all I have for tonight, after all these glamor shots I'm a tired cookie! Off to sleep for me :)

Do you think I was sleeping of when the tree almost killed me?

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