July 29, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day :) :)

Alright so my appointment today...nothing really to report. The doc says i'm still not dilated at all. I have some fibrous tissue in a ring around my cervix, which is scar tissue. The verdict is out if it's going to prevent me from dilating or not. It could stop me from dilating which could mean a c-section in my future.

According to Bekah my L&D go to gal this roughly how the induction should go:

I call L&D at 4pm tomorrow. They tell me a time to go in, probably around 6 or they will tell me to call back at 6 :\ I've been told to just keep calling and don't give up.

When I get there I will get my first round of Cytotec, which is a pill they will insert in my you know what to soften my cervix up. The idea is that this "should" start me to dilate. It can also cause cramping and sometimes start a person's labor.

They will con't to insert pills every 4 hours depending on my progress.

In the morning at 6am if I've shown progress they will start the pitocin. Which will be increased in strength every 20 minutes. We've agreed to try pit for 8 hours and if I'm progressing then we con't if nothing then we stop and decide the next step.

With the scar tissue I've already been warned that there is a possibilty of a c-section. On my IC board many women (if they make to full term) seem to need inductions or c-sections, so I don't think this is an uncommon thing. The doc isn't even sure exactly how my cervix will behave. They could give me one dose of Cytotec and it will cause me to rip the scar tissue and then I could very quickly dilate. It's all a mystery, lol.

I'm going to try avoid a c-section if possible, for obvious reasons. But in the end as long as she gets here and is healthy and well i don't care :) I will heal.

Remember to check the blog for updates. Although most of them will probably come through e-mail so hopefully your all on the list!! (If you have never gotten one of my large group update e-mails then make sure you e-mail me tonight so I can add you to the list!!)


Candace said...

Good luck today! I will be thinking about you!

Nicole's Journey said...

Please add me to the email list if it's not too late!! **HUGS** to all.