July 27, 2009

3 days or less left!

Checking in mighty early this morning. I've been up since 4 am with cramping type pains, enough to not let me sleep.

Not sure if today is the day or not. I'm having trouble deciding if this is from me needing to possibly poop or if it's headed for contractions. The pain does seem to change, etc. At any rate, i'm feeling SOMETHING this morning. Considering with Kaitlin it really wasn't a normal labor, etc. I'm just not sure what to call this. I haven't started timing anything yet since I'm not sure what to time. Like I said the pain seems to change.

In other news, I made another hate for miss Emilie last night. Not sure i like it. I think I need to work on making them much bigger than what I am :\ But soon enough I'll have her head to go by so I can make more :)

Don't think I'm going to bed anytime soon so off to make a cup of decaf coffee :) Did I mention that even after she comes I'm stuck with decaff? Apparently it can decrease your milk production...so if I want soda again ever I need to con't with the decaff coffee :\ But then again I'm so used to decaff...it's probably healthier, oh well the sacrafices ;)

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