February 15, 2011

The Discovery Center!

So mommy and daddy took me to this place call the Discovery Center. And RYAN was there too! Super cool! Oh ya...his mommy and daddy too...there okay ;)

They had this wall I was ALLOWED to draw on! Look Daddy did it too so it HAD to be okay right?

Then we got to dress up. Check out Ryan the lion :)

They made me be a frog...

But I think I pulled it off alright :)

Then I got to go shopping! I love shopping! I got my own cart and everything!

Then I totally got to play with one of those machines mommy uses...really cool!

Ryan and his daddy were off to put out fires!

While daddy and I were being safe in a boat :)

Hehehe...in the Troll house!

Daddy in a bubble...

Uh oh...I think we need help over here...quick in the ambulance there's a teddy bear down!

Over it...

I'm leaving on a jet plane...don't know when I will be back again...lalalala
Look at all the buttons!

In the troll house :)

And last but not least Ryan in the troll house :)!

I wonder when we get to go back there again!

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