October 18, 2010

The Pumpkin Farm :)

What do you find at pumpkin farms...why big orange balls ofcourse!

I wasn't too sure about the big orange balls. Mommy kept telling me it was okay to touch it, but man some of them were big!

They also had this scratchy thing that sort of looked like a kitty, but not sure why mommy said it was okay to stand on it. She always tells me NOT to stand on the kitties at home!

Then not only were we at a big exciting new place but some of friends where there too! Hi Joanna and Samantha :)

We got to play in scratchy stuff together. I think mommy called it hay.

It was fun...but really hard to move around in!
Then we went on a hay ride. Which meant we sat on the scratch stuff. There was this car that had BIG tires on it that pulled us. Daddy said it was a tractor.

We went on the tractor so we could play in some tall grass. I think someone said it was corn but it didn't look like corn. I did find some stuff that looked like corn, but daddy said I couldn't eat it.

The maze sure was slippery. There was this wet brown stuff everywhere we walked!

When we had enough of the maze we took another hayride and went back to the pumpkin farm. Mommy wanted my picture in front of the ghost thing.It shows I'm 30 inches tall.

Daddy even played a game and tried to hit some man with an apple. The man was kind of scary he didn't even had a head! He was also filled up with that scratchy stuff. No worries though...daddy didn't hit him. He came a little close, but not close enough to win a prize.

Then it was time to play with the big orange balls...I mean pumpkins. They were fun! I liked to sit on them.

Bounce on them...
Sit on them some more...

And climb over them...

Mommy tried and tried to get my attention, but what did she expect! I mean all the balls were around to play on! Plus we were outside and there were all sorts of other people...just too much...mommy i've seen before she's boring.

Family Picture!
We sat on scratchy stuff in front of a pile of orange balls...what a fun day!

1 comment:

Deb Stokes said...

Tiff, she is so gorgeous! I love the pumpkin patch pics :)
So happy to see you all looking so happy.
Love from Downunder
Deb and the lil Warrior Man Isaac xoxo