November 2, 2009

Look I can ROLL

Okay so it's been 3 months and Mommy STILL hasn't figured out that she can't rotate the camera when filming...I don't have hope that she will get it before I'm a year so you will just have to crank your neck to the side to enjoy :)

So I can roll from my tummy to my back. Uncle Tom was even around to witness it. It my first time ever doing it. Well I guess not my VERY first. I was having a field day rolling off mommy, but I wasn't flat out on my tummy. We'll just call that practice rolling :)

(yes mommy knows she still hasn't put up pictures from the trip. She has been busy cleaning and now rearranging the living room :) I also have been keeping her busy since I just don't like to play by myself anymore, or sleep not cuddled up on someone...she's trying hard to break my habits but I will con't to resist!)

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