October 1, 2010

14 Months

I'm 14 months old! So lets see...since mommy was pretty bad about posting this month I must have alot to tell you, or maybe it's why she hasn't posted...hmmm.

So this month I started having LOTS of friends coming over. They were coming everyday for awhile. I didn't like it all that much. I mean it was okay, but I didn't get alot of mommy's attention, I had to share. I didn't like that. I do like however some of the things we do when we have peoples over :) We also finger painted. I hope we do more of that, it was fun :)

I know how to give kisses and I LOVE giving them. I usually spend the first few minutes of any visit with kiddos giving them big hugs. They seem to not like them as much as I do :\ I also don't always give closed mouth kisses, but mommy is trying to teach me that.

Lets see...I'm not wearing 18 month clothing. It's a little big on me, but the 12 month stuff is getting a little too small, so i'm right in the middle. Last mommy checked I'm still right around 20ish pounds. I walked just fine now I only fall alot when I get tired acting or when I'm being chased. I eat three meals a day and two snacks. I get milk when I first wake...then something for breakfast. Some of my favorites are toast, yogurt and bananas.

(look closely at THAT picture grandpa! ;) )

I eat a snack with some water or milk around 10, then at 12 some lunch with milk. I love my snacks (puffs, goldfish, and crunchies). Lunch is another matter. I don't tend to eat well during lunch and dinner. I love bread, but most other things I don't..well I do sometimes. I will eat anything mommy wants to spoon feed me, but sometimes I just don't like to feed myself.

After lunch I take a long nap and then when I get up I drink some juice and have another small snack. Then later on after daddy comes home I have dinner. I love things like pasta and rice, but sometimes I don't even eat them, although cheese is always a favorite.

I babble alot. I like to yell things like "bear" although I don't understand that thats a real word. I do know what a ball is though :) I let mommy know others ways I want things. Like at dinner when they have my cup on the table, I point to it. I still say "that" but not as often. Daddy tries all the time to get me to say "Em". I'm not sure what he wants me to do. Oh and I know "uh oh" and "oh" but I don't use them correctly yet. Well that is atleast what mommy says.

I get to play with the kitties more, but sometimes I'm mean to them...so they are starting to run from me again. Tera is especially a little more tolerable. I even laid on her the other day.

I think that is all I really have to report. Bye for now :)

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