June 18, 2010

Playdate, Picnics and Breakfasts :)

So mommy is usually really good at taking the pics at the different events with my baby friends, but she's not as good about putting them up to share. But here are some of the past few we've went to :)

So this playdate was at my friend Nick's house. It was here I showed mommy how well I could walk while pushing something on the floor (since they had hardwood).

BREAKFAST! So once a week we go out to breakfast with my baby friends. And then we go on a long long walk afterwards, but it's okay I usually sleep. But Mommy likes to buy me a Mickey Mouse pancake for breakfast :) It's it cute!

Here are some of the people that come with us.
Aiden and Maddy with their mommy Danita

Ryan with his mommy Ashley and Evie with her mommy Kelly

Then there is Jocelynn with her mommy Tracy

Oh and the twins! Can you tell them apart? Mommy still has trouble. But one is Samantha and the Joanna. (Mommy is guessing the one closest to us is Samantha). And their mommy Cesca.

Then there is Kylee and her mommy Kim.

Oh and remember Nick from above :) Here he is with his mommy Adina :)

Phew that's everyone. We take up a LONG table...see:


So since the weather has been nice we decided it was time to get outside :) I think almost eveyorne is in this picture :)

The mommies had lots of fun chasing us all around trying to stop us from eating mushrooms and grass. I don't know what the big deal was...I mean they try to feed us other green things why can't we eat this stuff? And I KNOW mommy has given me mushrooms before too. Oh well here are some other pics:

LOL...Can you figure out which hat is mine?

So perhaps more pictures are to come at some point from our outings :) We sure to stay busy with all the things we go to! It's alot of fun though :)

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