November 30, 2009

4 Months Old!

I'm getting to be such a big girl :)

I can't roll yet, but grandma was really trying hard to teach me. I can do it with a little help, but on my own I haven't quite figured out how to whip my feet over yet.

However I have learned the art of nose diving off the couch. Mommy won't make that mistake again :\

I love to sit up and can do a pretty good job at doing it on my own. I know like to scream when I talk...I'm so little I have to be heard!

I love to grab at things now. I can even hold on really well to things too. Grandma bought me a rattle which I like.

We just got back from being north visiting the ole peoples for Thanksgiving. They sure kept me busy :) (mommy will have to pull herself away from the farm game long enough to put up the pictures from that trip later...)

Now mommy keeps talking about some person named Santa. Not sure who he is, but she tells me about him bring me some new toys. I can't wait to see what I'm going to get! I hope it tastes good :) I love putting things in my mouth now so no room in there for yucky stuff. Mommy early today was doing stuff with some pretty paper. I helped a little. I crumbled up the tissue paper for her boxes. She wouldn't let me eat it though :\

We still are only breast of formula feeding. I'm not really all that hungry and so mommy sees no reason to rush the start of cereals and veggies.

I was sick the other night. Mommy felt awful since she couldn't figure out why I was upset. But my tummy just hurt and hurt. Then I did a BIG spit up all over mommy's shoulder and I felt better. So much I almost went to sleep when she was changing me from my dirty pj's.

I think thats the scoop peoples. I still love my baths and I now allow mommy to eat her breakfast and drink her coffee each morning while I play on my mat. I think she's alot less grumpy that way :)

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