October 19, 2009

Busy Busy Busy

So we've been everywhere it seems in the last few days. Mommy and Daddy came up to the north country again, since mommy's grandpa was in the hospital. I hadn't met them yet so we decided we should come up and see them before we flew out to see Uncle Travis. Mommy and I are staying at Grandma and Grandpa Dineen's again...on the couch cuddled up close. I love it!!

We went to another country for the first time..since our Great Grandparents live in Canada :) Then we saw our second cousin Caydance who mommy forgot to snap a picture of while we were visiting :\ Then we went to Potsdam to see Great Aunt Zonalynn ;) We've been pretty busy! I didn't get to see Great Grandpa Henry since he was in the ICU, but we did get to see Great Grandma Henry. Hopefully before we fly out to see Uncle Travis I also get to see Great Nan again, but she's been going to the doctors alot recently :\ Oh and Great Grandpa might be coming home before we fly out :) Yay!!

Here are some pics of our journey :)

Look what Great Aunt Sue got me :) What a pretty necklace :)

We are going WHERE mommy??? Another country?? WOW!

Hi Great Grandma Henry!!

Hi Great Aunt Zonalynn :)

Look Grandpa knows how to change dirty butts :)

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