August 3, 2009

Emilie's First Docs Appointment

So I've been having problems with my back. Part of it has to do with the fact that when I get those aftermath contractions (because going through labor wasn't enough) my back kills me. Couple that with the weight of Emilie and I'm almost in tears each time I tried to breastfeed :\ Last night at 11:30 it was enough. I carried her into Jason crying it just hurt so bad and I cried while making a bottle of formula. I was so upset, she was upset, it was just upsetting! I felt like I had to give up and in many ways I still somewhat feel I do. But let me carry on.

So then she slept for 6 hours straight! I was so worried about her not eating enough I woke her up! We moved over to bottle feeding for today because I fear she's just not getting enough. Which her suck is terrible :\ She's a little slow and very dainty about it. So bottles work better. So I pumped and bottle fed along with some formula feeding today. We also called to make a docs appointment to check her levels.

The second concern is that she wasn't wetting enough diapers and hasn't pooped in a whole day now :\

Went to the docs...the doc tried feeding her too and said the same thing, she just might never breastfeed :\ But oh well. She is a touch jaundice looking and they are checking her levels. We have orders to give her 1oz of water a day, feed her every 3-4 hours 2oz, and let her sun bathe for 20 minutes 2 times a day. We go back next week for her to be checked again. She looks great in all other newborn areas :)

I guess it's one day at a time at this point :) Although the doc warned that I might be wishing she were this way in a


Tracy said...

Do you have a nursing stool? I hear they help with back pain when breastfeeding. I think they are pretty cheap ($20). Either way, she is beautiful. Congratulations.

crissla said...

You should go see Laura Walker at Lourdes. She is the best lactation consultant in the area. Remember when you went with me to a consultation. If you can't see her Jenn at La leche league is very helpful over the phone. Don't give up. She just needs a few weeks to learn. Xavier couldn't breastfeed well so I nursed him first then gave him whatever pumped milk I had. Try to pump after every feeding. Good thing Jason's home because so he can help give bottles while you pump. The baby has to learn. Now Xavier breastfeeds so well he hates bottles. Just to warn you most peds don't know much about breastfeeding. My ped told me I would never make enough milk and to just breastfeed him 5 minutes a session. Boy was he wrong. Xavier is a 16lb hog and he is exclusively breastfeed now.

crissla said...

Laura Walker (607)798-5423
La leche league Jen (607) 221-7839

FYI suprised doc advised givivg water because most peds advise against giving water now because it fills the baby up and there is no nutrition. Plus there is already water in breastmilk and formula.