February 12, 2009

Food Aversions :\ & Cravings

So I don't get nauseous instead I try to take a bite of food and then I can't swallow it... :\ I then need to find a whole new thing to eat :\ I think in the morning it hits me the worst since two days running I haven't been able to eat what I set out for myself...but the one food we've tried twice now for dinner that just is a no go, SPAGHETTI :\

Then on the flip side, I have super cravings and if I don't eat THAT for dinner I tend to not be able to eat any other food. I also have other cravings that I don't need right off, but I love it when I do get to eat them :) My recent one, Mcdonald's Milkshakes, especially vanilla! In the past and probably again in my future, olives, mixed veggies, and pineapple.

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