October 31, 2008

CD 10

I think my angel talked to me this morning ;) I'm on CD 10 so I don't think I'm close to Oing yet (but my cycles have been known to be screwy) so DH and had a little fun and I decided what could it hurt? So I laid low to let it all "soak" in, any ttcer knows all about that. Laying there I was listening to the radio and thought alright if Just a Dream comes on I'll take it as a sign that this isn't wasting my time and wait the extra 10 minutes, but if any other song comes on I will get up. Well needless to day Just a Dream played. I still think it might be too early but I think it was Kaitlin's way of telling me not to give up like I feel like doing at the end of every cycle.

Hours after our morning adventures, sitting at the computer (as I work later today) I felt a pain in my left side. Which then went away after about 5 minutes. No cramps or anything. Could it ovulation pain? We'll see I guess, I still think it's took early but these are the random pains I worry about. Not to mention I did a OPK last night and barely could even see that there was a second line so I'm guessing the hormone just isn't there.

I go the ultrasound tonight so more might be added later to this post. Even though I'm SURE they won't say anything really about it.

So me being curious as usual led me to this finding:

What are the symptoms of ovarian cysts?

Many ovarian cysts don't cause symptoms. Others can cause:

  • --> pressure, swelling, or pain in the abdomen
  • --> pelvic pain
  • --> dull ache in the lower back and thighs
  • --> problems passing urine completely
  • --> pain during sex
  • weight gain
  • --> pain during your period (doesn't everybody?)
  • abnormal bleeding
  • nausea or vomiting
  • breast tenderness
However like always if any ole person were to look at the symptoms they probably would find the same amount of them a I did...

Okay so I went through and made a chart of my charts. I wanted something simple that listed start day, cycle length, O dates and luteal phases. According to my chart my cycles seem to be getting longer?? It seems they are increasing in length. Also I used to O on day 14, which I discovered through charting and i know it how it worked before I got pregnant, but now it's getting later and later in my cycle. Also I think my luteal phase might also be getting potentially messed up too some...my last cycle it took an extra two days comparing my other dates and times to that month. I'm not a doctor so I don't know what all this means but it doesn't seem right. I also had a few "blank" months that I only know my start and stop day since I took the month off for various reasons, but the months I do know they still seem messed up.

Went for my ultrasound tonight. She found only one follicle forming on my left side, WHICH is the side I had pain in earlier today. She thinks it should be a little bigger than what it's measuring but then if my cycles are getting longer than it might not be. I didn't see what the inet said cysts would look like but maybe i'm just too early on? I really hope this isn't all for naught, I do hope these ultrasounds tell my doc SOMETHING and that something is NOT come back again next month, grumble. Until I meet with my doc I won't know more. On to another CD tomorrow.

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