February 6, 2012

Potty Training

So shortly after the new year and some before we started on the journey of potty training our wee one. It's been a struggle. The first week she did awesome. Barely any messes, and it seemed like it was going to be an easy time of it. The following week she wanted to use the big potty so we set her up with little stairs, etc. She even pooped in the potty like two days after starting the training process. Then things started getting messy. Accidents were happening with more and more frequency. Which frustrated us and in turn Emilie as well.

After yesterday her screaming everytime we took her into the bathroom and absolute refusal to go in the potty I realized we must be doing something wrong. When they say to PRAISE your kids when they use it and NOT to scold they mean it! We were getting annoyed with the amount of accidents she was having. When you ask them if they have to go and then literally two minutes later you have a puddle on the floor it's frustrating! So we did raise our voices and scold and I'm afraid it out weighed the praise. SO today I set the little potty back up because even though she doesn't want to use the potty she doesn't want a diaper either.

I'm trying to remind myself with every little mess to just clean it, and move on to the praise part. Which is a struggle, but we WILL get through this, lol.

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